8th Kenya National Inter-University Games, Kibabii University 2021
18th Dec - 21st Dec 2021Dear User, welcome to the online registration portal for the 8TH Edition of The Kenya National Inter-University Games 18th – 21st December 2021.
The Kenya Universities Sports Federations (KUSF) in conjunction with Kibabii University are organizing the 8th Inter University Games at the Main campus in Kibabii - Bungoma. The games are being organised under the theme; “Nurturing Talents for Livelihood Sustainability through Sports".
The event, commonly known as KUSF National is a multi-sport university sport event organized in December of every odd year (on a 2 years cycle) starting on 18th to 21st December 2021.
Athletes from degree awarding institutions, who are pursuing at least a full time recognised one year academic course, shall be competing in 21 for Men and Women sports disciplines which including; Athletics Track & Field, Badminton, Basketball, Chess, Darts, Frisbee, Handball, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Scrabble, Soccer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tae Kwon Do, Tennis, Volleyball, Tug of War , Wood ball, Lacrosse.
Use this platform to create an account and start the application process for your institution's participation. If you have ever used this platform for the previous edition of this event, you shall be able to retrieve the already uploaded data as you go through the registration processes. In case you have forgotten your password or the contact person has since changed, reset this online or contact the admin for support.
Kibabbi University
Off Bungoma-Chwele Road, BUNGOMA
P. O. Box 1699-50200, Bungoma, Kenya